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 the little dark space.

chapter 5 - after effects

so, with the end of this series, i am proud to announce that the site is moving! it is here:

for various reasons (including the fact that there are many sites within the rubber-ducky system that have nothing to do with the webcomic), we've been working on moving over to this new site. and it has a nice sound to it, don't it? wandering chaos. i have ot say i'm a fan.

to put to rest fears, there will still be a refferal site up at, and i will be updating both sites for a couple of weeks at least. so do not worry! it will be ok!


we're MOVING! please change you bookmarks to



All images, ideas, characters, yes, even the AIR YOU BREATHE ON THIS SITE,

is copyrighted Betsy Jorgensen and Jena Lombardi 2000-2005, unless otherwise noted. . All rights reserved.

That means NO TAKIES!