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 the little dark space.

chapter 1- dreams, nightmares and portents


i am back.

much is to be said for being able to update this comic. as nice as it was to not have to futz with the internet as i was freaking out at 30,000 feet, i miss you guys.

now that finals are over, be ready for longer rants again. i have been informed, by various readers, that the crickets will not cut it. and as these readers send things like "fan art" and the occasional "fan fiction" i will keep them happy. yes miranda. i'm talking to you.

there was a guy named angst on this tlevision show i was watching. but as he looked like he was getting some from a very nice looking girl, i think he is not very aptly named.

frubra forever!

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starting here? read this chapter from the beginning.




  The Artist's Box

chapter 1- dreams, nightmares and portents

I leave for Italy on Sunday!  *celebratory dance*  Which means I surrender uploading duties once again to Betsy-sama.  It is the natural order of things.  *bows in reverance*

I hope to be coming back with lots of stuff and lots of pretty pictures.  And maybe I'll find a comic shop.  Buy some Italian-translated manga to add to the pile with the Spanish ones I got in *gasp* Spain.  Not that I could actually READ the Italian ones, but Italian's KINDA like Spanish.

Oh, but I hate airports.  And I get to spend so much time in them this weekend.  *cries*  Maybe if I get lots of sleep the night before I'll actually be productive with the drawing of useful stuffs.  That I can then come back and share.  And hopefully they won't suck.

In the meantime, vote lots for us in my absence!

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starting here? read this chapter from the beginning.


All images, ideas, characters, yes, even the AIR YOU BREATHE ON THIS SITE,

is copyrighted Betsy Jorgensen and Jena Lombardi 2000-2004, unless otherwise noted. . All rights reserved.

That means NO TAKIES!